
曲目There'll be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry)

專輯Love Zone

歌手Billy Ocean



Billboard Hot 1001

Youtube MV連結



“There'll be Sad Songs”是極少數我並非往回追,而是本來就喜愛的歌曲。我在1980年代末期才開始大量接觸西洋歌曲,但在這之前,我就已經對這首歌很熟悉,那時候還在聽歌的階段,還未進入著迷、研究、收藏的階段。

踏入21世紀後,廣播電台播放的歌曲大半都不好聽,甚至不舒服,大概是因為年紀大了、跟不上時代腳步了吧,所以,每年認識的新歌大概只有10幾首,也對排行榜一點都不感興趣了;遙想20年前,可是連Billboard雜誌也在收藏之列的。也因此,這些年多只能反覆聽著收藏的400CD,閒來沒事,把喜愛的歌曲轉成MP3,然後自己做排名、做精選輯。第一名並不難選,”Careless Whisper”只敗在不是我一開始就追的歌曲,“There'll be Sad Songs”太好聽、也太有個人紀念意義,輕易勝出!

我想全天下,古往今來,應該不可能有任何一位歌手,可以把“There'll be Sad Songs”這首歌,詮釋地比Billy Ocen更動人、更深情了!在此之前,我不知道黑人原來那麼會唱歌(因為年紀小、孤陋寡聞),每一次聽、每一次唱,都覺得是再次被感動,尤其是結尾的那句”I Love You.”和接著一小段收尾音樂,完美!而bridge的那三句” You're my desire. You take me higher. My love is like a river running so deep.”,橋接得無縫無暇。

這首歌種下了日後我心中數百首經典的種子,也種下了這篇文章的種子,也讓我考試成績雖然其差無比,但卻不排斥學英文,也得以擁有比一般人更好些的英語發音水準。因為這首歌,我學會了melodyharmony這兩個單字,也發現原來英文歌可以這樣斷句:” I always stop and think of you especially…”Thank you, Billy Ocean !




Sometimes I wonder by the look in your eyes

When I'm standing beside you

There's a fever burning deep inside

Is there another in your memory?

Do you think of that someone

When you hear that special melody?


I always stop and think of you especially

When the words of a love song

Touch the very heart of me


There'll be sad songs to make you cry

Love songs often do

They can touch the heart of someone new

Saying I love you


I often wonder, how it could be

You loving me

Two hearts in perfect harmony

I count the hours until that day

A rhapsody plays

A melody for you and me


Until the moment when you give your love to me

You're the one I care for

The one that I will wait for


There'll be sad songs to make you cry

Love songs often do

They can touch the heart of someone new

Saying I love you


There'll be sad songs to make you cry

Love songs often do

They can touch the heart of someone new

Saying I love you


You're my desire

You take me higher

My love is like a river running so deep


I always stop and think of you especially

When the words of a love song

Touch the very heart of me


There'll be sad songs to make you cry

Love songs often do

They can touch the heart of someone new

Saying I love you


There'll be sad songs to make you cry

Love songs often do

They can touch the heart of someone new

Saying I love you

Saying I love you

I love you


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