曲目Candle in the Wind 1997


歌手Elton John



Billboard Hot 1001

Youtube MV連結https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0PKcKbjlKg



“Candle in the Wind”其實是1973Elton John為了紀念瑪麗蓮夢露而做,時隔20多年,拿來緬懷在不同領域同為巨星的另一位佳人,再適合也不過了。乍聞王妃過世的消息後,Elton John拾起哀痛,聯絡長期歌詞創作夥伴Bernie Taupin,利用一周時間完成了新歌詞創作,以優美平易的辭彙,簡述了王妃的事蹟,寫下了世人對她的滿腔懷念與不捨。




Goodbye England's rose

May you ever grow in our hearts

You were the grace that placed itself

Where lives were torn apart


You called out to our country

And you whispered to those in pain

Now you belong to heaven

And the stars spell out your name


And it seems to me you lived your life

Like a candle in the wind

Never fading with the sunset

When the rain set in

And your footsteps will always fall here

Along England's greenest hills

Your candle's burned out long before

Your legend ever will


Loveliness we've lost

These empty days without your smile

This torch we'll always carry

For our nation's golden child


And even though we try

The truth brings us to tears

All our words cannot express

The joy you brought us through the years


And it seems to me you lived your life

Like a candle in the wind

Never fading with the sunset

When the rain set in

And your footsteps will always fall here

Along England's greenest hills

Your candle's burned our long before

Your legend ever will


Goodbye England's rose

May you ever grow in our hearts

You were the grace that placed itself

Where lives were torn apart


Goodbye England's rose

From a country lost without your soul

Who'll miss the wings of your compassion

More than you'll ever know


And it seems to me you lived your life

Like a candle in the wind

Never fading with the sunset

When the rain set in

And your footsteps will always fall here

Along England's greenest hills

Your candle's burned out long before

Your legend ever will


    Elton John Candle in the Wind

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